One of the projects we have recently placed in God’s hands, is acquiring the entire list of elements for the clinical laboratoy. This list is requested by the colombian government.

Legal Framework.

Agreement No. 0114 of February 22, 2010 drafted by the Intersectoral Commission for Human Talent.

Article 1. The purpose of this Agreement is to define the minimum equipment for the workshops or laboratories for each one of the education programs for work and human development of the health area as a necessary requirement to guarantee the basic quality conditions of the formation. Institutions that offer or intend to offer programs of health assistants must have at least workshops equipped with thease equipment, elements and materials related to this Agreement. It is up to the Departmental, District and Municipal Secretaries of Education to verify compliance with this requirement. At the time of registration and the exercise of the powers of inspection, surveillance and control.
Article 3: Training institutions that currently have registered health programs or those that are currently in the process of obtaining the registry, must provide the equipment, tools and materials with the workshops or laboratories. As established herein; for which they must prepare a schedule that establishes the dates of acquisition of the elements that may not exceed six months from the entry into force of this Agreement.
Compliance with this requirement must be informed in writing to the Intersectoral Commission for Human Talent in Health through the corresponding Ministry of Health. Institutions that intend to offer new programs must comply with all the elements, tools and equipment indicated here.

Here we describe everything that laboratory must have to comply with the quality standards approved for the Nursing Assistant Program. It is grouped into the following categories:
1. Equipment
2. Tools
3. Medical Elements and Supplies.

1. Equipment
1.1. Computer
1.2. Plasma TV.
1.3. Projector
1.4. DVD
1.5. Software: automated medical history
1.6. Electric-manual hospital bed with railings
1.7. Clinical mattress
1.8. Nightstand
1.9. Transport and recovery stretcher
1.10. Ladder
1.11 Podium
1.12. Dining table
1.13. Compressor
1.14. Cardiac arrest cart
1.15 Medication cart
1.16. Organ equipment
1.17. Stethoscope
1.18. Blood pressure monitor
1.19 Weight scale
1.20 Weight scale for babies
1.21 Glucometer
1.22. Pulse oximeter
1.23. Wheelchair
1.24. Crutches
1.25  Walker
1.26. Gooseneck Lamp
1.27. Cradle
1.28. Detachable torso with internal organs includes brain and sense organs (dummie)
1.29 Five-legged support skeleton
1.30 Injection simulator
1.31 Adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation simulator
1.32. Pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation simulator
1.33 Female pelvis simulator for bladder catheter passage
1.34. Male pelvis simulator for bladder catheter passage
1.35  Newborn nursing simulator
1.36. Breast exam simulator
1.37. Full body simulator for patient management – with kits wounds and trauma
1.38. Full body gynecology and mechanical obstetrics simulator
1.39. Full body simulator for nursing procedures
1.40 Secretion Vacuum Cleaner
1.41. Infusion pump
1.42. Simulator: arm for taking blood pressure
1.43. Mayo table for surgical instruments
1.44. Deposit cabinets
1.45 Gynecological table

2. Tools

2.1. Small surgery kit.
2.2. Stainless steel trays
2.3. Jars stainless steel for stool
2.4. (Pisingo) gar for urin
2.5 Stainless steel jugs
2.6. Buckets or fanny packs
2.7. Oxygen tank
2.8. Flushometer
2.9. Manometer
2.10. Flashlight
2.11. Reflex hammer
2.12. Scalpel handle no 2-3
2.13. Rollers for transfer
2.14. Soap dispenser
2.15. Paper dispenser
2.16. Resuscitation Table
3. Elements and supplies.
3.1. Showcases
3.2. 16-24 disposable needles
3.3. Naso gastric probes
3.4. Bladder catheters
3.5. Cystoflow
3.6. Hypodermic needles 16-24
3.7. Gauze dressings
3.8. Hydrocolloid dressings
3.9. Cotton x 45.4 grams
3.10. Wooden tongue lowers
3.11. Applicators
3.12. Fluid gowns
3.13. Disposable surgical gowns
3.14. Masks
3.15. Masks with visor
3.16. Disposable leggings
3.17. Surgical clothing
3.18. Green-red-gray plastic bags
3.19. Red bucktet
3.20. Green bucket
3.21. Gray bucket
3.22. Sterile fields
3.23. Plastic aprons
3.24. Oxygen mask
3.25. Pediatric ventury-adult masks
3.26. Mask with reinhalation bag
3.27. Tracheostomy cannula
3.28. Oxygen cannula
3.29. Nebulizers
3.30 Nebulizer manifold
3.31. Suction Rubbers
3.32. Catheters
3.33 Central venous catheter bilumen
3.34. Venoclysis equipment
3.35 P.v.c kit
3.36. Secretion aspiration catheters
3.37. Immobilizers
3.38. Bedspreads-blankets-rubbers for bed
3.39. Thomas Neckbrace
3.40 Philadelphia Neckbrace
3.41. Tracheostomy collar
3.42. Mats
3.43. Sterile compresses
3.44. Medicine cup

3.45. 70% alcohol
3.46. Glycerinated alcohol
3.47. Iodized alcohol
3.48. Isodine foam
3.49. Isodine solution
3.50 Surgical soap
3.51. 5% sodium hypochlorite
3.52. Glutharaldehyde 14-28 days
3.53. 5% dextrose in a.d.
3.54. 5% dextrose in s.s.
3.55. Hartmann solution
3.56. Normal saline solution
3.57. Penrose drains
3.58. Kardex
3.59. Family planning kit: intrauterine devices, oral contraceptives, condoms
3.60 Venoclysis equipment: macro drip – micro drip
3.61. Blood transfusion equipment
3.62. Micro fogging equipment
3.63. Sticking plaster
3.64. Splints for: arm-forearm-thigh-leg
3.65. Urine collection bags
3.66. Sample collection bottle
3.67. Gauze
3.68. Garmurio
3.69. Safety glasses
3.70. Silicone gloves
3.71. Latex gloves
3.72. Guardians
3.73. Vacutainer guides for sampling
3.74. Vacutainer needles
3.75. Hemovac
3.76. Pleurovac
3.77. Scalpel blades
3.78. Humidifier
3.79. Respiratory incentive
3.80 Disposable insulin syringes
3.81. Disposable syringes 1 cc-3cc-5-cc-10 cc-20-cc
3.82. Lancets
3.83. Three-way wrenches for venoclysis equipment
3.84. Adult diapers
3.85. Pediatric diapers
3.86. Elastic bandages
3.87. Gauze bandages
3.88 Various games box: cubes, human figures, puzzles, ladder, balls, ties,scissors, educational games