The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few

We need helping hands in the next areas:

Farm with a enough area for developing all the activities.

Evangelistic Resources Donations in order to meet the needs of closest communities, books or materials for Biblical Vacations School. Also we need resources for Health Expo.

I want to help!

14 + 11 =

I want to make a donation

1. You can make a donation online with your credit card, or trough the webpage: Donations – Gospel Ministries International. Make sure your donation is going to “Colombia Barakia Aid”.

2. Call to Gospel Ministries International (EEUU) +1 423-473-1841 and let them know you want to support the Nursing Training Institute in Colombia.

3. Mail a check or money order. Reference that the donation go towards the “Baraka AID School – Colombia”. Make the check or money order payable to “Gospel Ministries International” and mail to:
Gospel Ministries International
PO Box 506
Collegedale, TN